Thursday, April 23, 2009

FOBTY 4/23

Some of the things we do to help the earth is recycle, we also try to not use the car as much as possible. There are so many places that are in walking distance and it is so much more healthier for us to walk too, not to mention for the atmosphere too. I want to get some of the cloth shopping bags too so that we aren't using so much plastic.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

FOBTY 4/16/09

One thing I haven't been able to give up during these tough times are scrap supplies. I went through months of not buying stuff but lately I have been a purchasing stuff like crazy. Over the past few weeks I have bought so much stuff but have not used all of it yet and probably wont for a while. I know I don't have to have everything that goes in every store but sometimes it feels like it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

FOBTY- 4/10/09

What kind of Easter candy am I?

You Are a Chocolate Bunny

A traditionalist, you secretly want to dress up like a bunny. And not just on Easter.

Friday, April 3, 2009


1. The Hills- Love this show.. Not only have I seen every show but I watch the reruns a few times

2. Laguna Beach- I watched the original season with LC and Lo and also the newer one with the different people on it

3. Desperate Housewives- LOVE this show.. I hope it never goes off the air

4. American Idol- I have watched every season since the first. I may miss an episode here and there but I
have pretty much seen every episode.

5. Friends- I was so sad when friends went off the air. What a great show